during sample collection, fill up to the mark on the tube (do not "add up" samples collected in other tubes to reach the required volume). submit 2ml frozen citrated plasma in a separation vial. the aliquot label should identify the sample type as citrated plasma.
Container / Presavative
citrate (light blue top) vacutainer during sample collection.
Rejection Criteria
labeling issue (unlabeled/ mislabeled); missing request form; mismatch between request form & sample details; missing age/ gender; wrong sample type; insufficient sample; hemolyzed samples; clotted samples; incorrect temperature handling.
Other Instructions
samples at room temperature should be received in 4hours
Reference intervals
appropriate values provided with report
Clinical utility
diagnose disseminated intravascular coagulation, monitoring response to therapeutic fibrinolysis
Test Limitations /Confounders
d-dimer levels can be increased in various clinical disorders e.g. recent trauma, surgery, inflammation, neoplasia etc.