Grossing, Tissue Processing, Staining And Microscopy
Room temperature; refrigerated is also acceptable.
Components Parameters
Pre-analytic Considerations
Test Ordering Instructions
Fill out test request form fully & legibly. Provide your contact information & complete history including suspected diagnosis & relevant investigation details (lab, imaging). Specify the exact sample type, procedure done, anatomic site, laterality where applicable (e.g. Left vs right) and the fixative used. Time of insertion into fixative is required for Mastectomy specimens.
Patient preparation
Sample type
A Variety Of Specimens Are Categorized As "Medium" Based On Hybrid Criteria (Size/ Complexity/ Cost Of Processing/ Pathologist Time) E.g. Adrenal Resection, Bile Duct Resection, Breast Biopsy (Not Mastectomy), Carotid Body, Kidney Biopsy (Not Nephrectomy), Brain Or Meningeal Biopsy, Mediastinal Mass, Muscle Biopsy, Ovarian Mass, Parathyroid Gland(S), Placenta, Salivary Gland, Skin Resection Of Malignant Melanoma, Small Bowel Diverticuli, Soft Tissue Lipoma, Testis, Thymus, Thyroid. Also Tongue Or Tonsil With Neoplasm (Local/ With Nodes) Etc.
Container/ preservative
10% formalin (10% neutral buffered formalin preferred) in appropriate size, leak proof container. Immerse specimen into formalin within 30 minutes of removal.
Sample volume
Volume of formalin to tissue of ≥10:1
Rejection criteria
Labeling Issue (Unlabeled/ Mislabeled Blocks); Missing Request Form; Request Form Not Accompanied By Sample; Mismatch Between Request Form & Sample Details; Missing Age/ Gender; Wrong Sample Type; Incorrect Preservative; Insufficient Sample; Empty Sample Containers.
Other Instructions
Incorrect preservative (e.g. Placing sample for Histology in normal saline) is likely to resut in sample Deterioration/ Putrefaction, Suboptimal evaluation & inability to give a diagnosis.