culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing (where indicated) using conventional methods
Transported at room temperature if promptly delivered; refrigerate (2-8ºc) if >2 hour delay before processing is expected.
Setup perfomed daily
Pre-analytic Considerations :
pathogen isolation, identification & reporting of appropriate antibiotics as applicable
Test ordering Instructions
fill out test request form fully & legibly. specify whenever urine is obtained by catheterization, via suprapubic aspirate or surgically.
Patient preparation
give instructions for collection of clean catch, midstream urine prior to collection.
Sample Requirements
Fill out test request form fully & legibly. clinical history/ indications required inclusive of results of other diagnostic work-up. concurrent CBC printout or CBC order required. concurrent PBF order/ examination required for optimal hematological assessment.
Sample type
urine, midstream specimen (MSSU); urine can also be obtained, as applicable, by in & out Catheterization, Suprapubic aspirate or surgically obtained e.g. Cystoscopy.
Container/ preservative
Sterile , Leak proof container
Sample volume
20 milliliters
Rejection criteria
labeling issue (unlabeled/ mislabeled); missing request form; mismatch between request form & sample details; wrong sample type/ preservative (samples containing boric acid preservative are inappropriate for dipstick examination)
Other Instructions
this test does not include microscopy & dipstick examination. if desired, please order urine microscopy, culture & sensitivity (urine m/c/s)
Reference intervals
sterile culture for surgically obtained specimens; no significant growth of uropathogens for mid stream specimen of urine (MSSU).
Clinical Utility
evaluating for urinary tract infection (UTI) - Cystitis, Pyelonephritis, Asymptomatic Bacteriuria etc.
Test Limitations/ Confounders
failure to collect mssu specimens can result in high culture contamination rates and requests for repeat collection. prior exposure to antibiotics can lead to false negative results.