Teleradiology reporting services
Telemedicine, CT scan
2 hours
Results ready 2 hours (after transmission of images; during normal working hours)
All working days
Test in Brief
A facility with an image sending station transmits images to a facility with an image receiving station for reporting by a radiologist. Helpful in a) providing coverage for facilities lacking expertise or adequate staff b) consulting on difficult cases (second opinion)
Exam Requirements
Referring facility should ensure images are of good radiographic quality
Instructions for Referring Doctor Or Institution
Full clinical history of the patient to be provided along with the images
Instructions for Radiographer
Images sent for reporting should have all the basic data of the patient (age, sex and reason for examination). In addition, the examinations should be done using standard protocols and high quality images sent for reporting using a PACS system.
Images are obtained in one location & electronically transmitted to another location for reporting by a radiologist. Payment is per radiological exam.